Sunday, February 10, 2008

Examine Your Source

Guys, if you really wanna know the reason for creating this blog, look to my main mistake mistake - source of information. I spent way too much time and money seeking info on the psychology of women from men. Sure now it's hindsight, but the whole purpose of this blog is so that you don't make the same mistake that I did.

It makes sense to listen to a woman on the topic of female attraction, but when you are surrounded with countless information on this topic from men, you seem to disregard this very important principle. Looking back at it all now, I realize I gave way too much money to all the men that claimed they dated a new woman every other day, and could teach me how to do the same. Bottom line, these guys may be able to give you pointers on what has worked for them in the past with a specific type of woman, but they cannot get inside the head of women and tell you what will work for just about every type. Really, most women can't even reveal innermost secrets on a woman's psyche that make them attracted to men. This was a significant consideration in my choice as it should be with your's for successful results.

I had chosen my source based on several qualifying factors such as her extensive research and results in laws of attraction and dating. She is a national and internationally recognized author on this subject that has a history of shown results. Look closely into the person's prior accomplishments, and consider this stat more heavily than the promises they make.

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